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Released new version DF™ Cheat Analyzer 2.15! (Прочитано 22261 раз)
YaBB Administrator
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Released new version DF™ Cheat Analyzer 2.15!
07/31/10 :: 23:59:49
Hello All!
Upgrading previous versions of the free!

The new version features clicks analysis function (calculation of the total number of clicks, exposure of quick clicks, calculation of traffic productivity). The feature allowing connection of several sites to one system has been added (you can buy one copy of the system and use it to analyze traffic on all sites located at your server) - together with the feature allowing grouping of traders and calculation of stats per group. System productivity is increased due to the use of buffer in data reading and the use of multi-threaded calculations in statistics. Administration interfaces have been improved, a number of fixes and minor upgrades have been made.

Full system description: http://www.dfservice.com/cheat-analyzer/
FREE trial-version: http://www.dfservice.com/cheat-analyzer/#tca_trial


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Taras Shevchenko
YaBB Newbies
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I Love DF!

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Re: Released new version DF™ Cheat Analyzer 2.15!
Ответ #1 - 09/12/23 :: 14:14:59
Howdy all! New to the forum, but I've been following several of the discussions and they have been really insightful. Can't wait to contribute to this fantastic community!
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